The Reason You Aren’t Feeling Worthy

The Reason You Aren’t Feeling Worthy

Have you ever questioned your worth?  I know I have. I thought that I wasn’t good enough, no matter how hard I tried or what I did, I just wasn’t able to measure up. I doubted what I wanted, what I felt, and what I needed and began to defer to others to make sure...
How to Know Who You Really Are!

How to Know Who You Really Are!

Growing up, everyone seemed to want to tell me who I was.  It was confusing to me because I felt like they were missing really seeing me, but they insisted I was wrong.   How was I to know who was right, did I really know who I was?  Eventually I...
5 Keys to Unlocking Your Confidence

5 Keys to Unlocking Your Confidence

“Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit.”- E.E. Cummings I didn’t feel very confident growing up.  I dreamt of being confident like Zena, soaring through the air, but in...

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