Top 10 Yoga Poses To Reduce Anxiety And Calm Your Mind

Top 10 Yoga Poses To Reduce Anxiety And Calm Your Mind

Your life moves in stages.  Some stages feel easier to move through than others.  That is why creating a practice that not only nourishes you during the fun stages, but also helps you grow through the challenging ones is key. Stress is a normal part of everyday life,...
Releasing Your Bondage to Mental Masturbation

Releasing Your Bondage to Mental Masturbation

I’m sure a lot of you are wondering what mental masturbation is! Let me explain. Mental Masturbation is something that we all do, and you’re probably doing it several times a day without realizing you are doing it. Mental masturbation is when you get stuck in a...

5 Yoga Poses You Need to do to Trust Your Body!

Do you trust your body? Yoga is more that something we do for an hour a day that makes your butt look good (but it does that too!)  It is a way to honor how you want to move in your life.  It is time in the day where you can be intimate with yourself and...

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