Growing up, everyone seemed to want to tell me who I was.  It was confusing to me because I felt like they were missing really seeing me, but they insisted I was wrong.   How was I to know who was right, did I really know who I was?  Eventually I started to doubt that I knew, and I started to agree with everyone else.  If everyone else is telling you that you are a purple elephant, you must be a purple elephant, right!?

So, I decided if I was a purple elephant, I was going to become a great purple elephant!  To behave like a purple elephant should, and make sure I was being good and doing the right things a purple elephant should do.  But, no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t seem to be a purple elephant.  I felt like a failure as a purple elephant and started to wonder what I was missing.

Then it occurred to me, maybe I wasn’t a good purple elephant because I wasn’t a purple elephant! No matter how hard I tried to be one, I realized I would never be good enough at being something that I was not.  But, if I wasn’t a purple elephant, then what was I?

Okay, so obviously I’m not a purple elephant, and no one actually told me I was, but you get the idea. Who others try to tell you who you are isn’t as obviously incorrect as being told you’re a purple elephant, but it can be incorrect all the same. 

So, how do you know who you really are? 


Yoga connects you to your soul and creates a space for you to discover who you truly are.  Each time you step on to your mat, you are reconnecting to your instincts and opening up your intuition.  Creating this intimacy with yourself allows you to stop wasting so much energy and time trying to be something you’re not and become exactly who you are.


How YOGA shows you who you really are

Connects you to your breath so you can discover the moments that fill you up and the moments that take your breath away and be able to find the beauty in both.

Awakens your body so you notice how you are responding to the events in your life.  How you choose to move, create and be.

Opens your heart so you can feel your life flowing through you and gather the wisdom from your experience of life.

Who are you trying to be?  And are you ready to step into the mystery of discovering who you really are?

If your ready to find out, I am ready to guide you!  Book call with me and claim your complementary Body Code Assessment Session

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