Do you feel like your life is being created for you?  I know I used to.  I couldn’t at the time see how my choices were being edited by what I thought was required to be responsible, to be nice, based on what was socially acceptable.  I didn’t notice I had a choice.  The life I chose made sense, my actions were responsible, possibly better choices than some had, yet I ended up feeling like something had been robbed from me.  Something was missing, but I couldn’t figure out what.


What I didn’t realize at the time was I was following a default choice based on obligation and fear, not the one I truly wanted, because at the time it was scary.  I wasn’t clear on what I wanted for myself, so I did what was expected of me.  I wasn’t at peace with myself and it created more chaos in my outer world.  This started to shift for me once I had the proverbial rug pulled out from under me when I found out I was pregnant at 19.  I had no longer had an option to follow the default choice, I had to start making sh*t up.  The only one who could do that was me.


Where do you make choices based on an obligation to be nice, to protect others, to be the responsible one?  This where you are costing yourself your peace inside and out.  In order to create peace in the outer world, you need to be at peace with yourself first.  There is no exception to this, yet we trying to create peace backwards.  You try to keep the peace at home, at work, with family and friends, by compromising what you want, not saying what you know to be right, following instead of leading so no one’s feelings get hurt, never finding that peace for yourself.  You are tricked into believing that finding peace with in you first, asking for what you want, stating a hard truth, acting only according to your values is selfish and

self-serving, that somehow it is taking the peace from others.  But this is what is creating the war within yourself and sent outward to others in unintended ways.  Not feeling good enough so you diminish yourself and don’t ask for what you want, creating guilt instead of appreciation.  Not saying how you truly feel, creating skepticism instead of connection.  Not taking action because you think you somehow got it all wrong, creating fear instead of gratitude.

How Can Yoga Help!

In the west, our perspective on yoga is limited.  Yoga has been reduced to primarily a physical activity to carve and sculpt the body.  These benefits are defiantly there, but we are missing out on a key piece that will help you transform what you feel is mundane in your life, into the extraordinary.  It is the emotional and spiritual benefits of yoga that transforms us into who we truly want to become by leading you back to who you truly are.  That is when you can connect with your peaceful center and rediscover the peace within yourself so you can start to create peace in your outer world.  What do you want to sculpt?  What do you want to create?  What do you want to experience in your life?  Until I allowed myself to find these answers for myself, I felt at war with myself and the conflict was showing up in my career and in my relationships.


Check out this interview I did with Rebecca Smith-McGovern on how I use yoga to go from chaos to creation in my life!

What’s The Next Step?

I know what you’re thinking, how do you do this in your life?  What steps do you need to take so you can end the war within yourself?  I got you!  Book a free call with me by clicking the button below and scheduling a FREE 30 minute call with me where I can help you set up your plan!

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