Are You Getting the Most Out of Your Sex Life?
Have you ever considered this question? In a culture that holds a lot of shame and guilt around...
3 Things You Need to Include in Your Self Pleasure Practice
Growing up I felt that my sexuality was a liability. Female sexuality was displayed to me as a...
5 Essential Elements to Experience More Pleasure
It's easy to think of pleasure as a luxury. Something that is nice to have, but isn’t needed. ...
Why You Need to Make Pleasure a Priority
Recently I’ve been moving through some hard things (I’ll share more once I’ve done my healing...
Get Messy!
Many times the reason why I miss out on creating something new in my life is because I am afraid...
Top 10 Yoga Poses To Reduce Anxiety And Calm Your Mind
Your life moves in stages. Some stages feel easier to move through than others. That is why...
Good, Bad: Who Knows?
Have you ever noticed that things don't always work out the way you think they will? Events and...
What I Learned About Fear From A Narcissist
You’re crazy! Everyone else agrees with me, what is wrong with you?” These words echoed through my head for many years.
Creating Peace During Chaos
Do you feel like your life is being created for you? I know I used to.