
Hi, I’m Jen!


I’ve always been a curious soul that loves to combine science and woo to find out how things work, why things break and what will bring them back together.

That’s why I became an Embodiment & Intimacy coach, so I could support women in rediscovering their magic through movement, pleasure and connecting to their innate essense.

You Get to Live Your Life Turned On!

Meet Jen,


Certified yoga instructor, reiki practitioner and Embodiment and Intimacy Coach, Jen Tews decided to walk away from her corporate career in 2018 to pursue her soul’s calling after feeling stuck for a decade in a career that didn’t light her up.

Over these 10 years she immersed herself in yoga and the spiritual sciences, and discovered a new way to move that nourished her soul and transformed stuck energy by releasing stress and tension from her body to create connection,  magic and joy in her life.

She wants to share those learnings with you and show you how you can tap into the intuitive power of your body by shifting pain, guilt, shame, numbness and anger into passion, pleasure, connection and bliss so you can start living your life turned on!

 I believe it’s every woman’s birthright to live life turned on & it starts by connecting to the intuitive power of your body!

How my journey began…


My journey began when my Grandma died.  This was the first time someone very close to me died, and I began to examine my life.  How did I want to be remembered?  Did I love the life I’ve created so far?  Who did I want to be?  Who was I being and what did I really want?

This is when I started going to yoga classes hoping they would give me an answer.

What I discovered there wasn’t an answer, but an uncovering.  Learning how to peer deep within myself and get honest of the patterns I was living, what I was feeling and how I chose to respond.  All of them choices I got to make.  Some of the choice were easy, some of them difficult, but choice I got to decide. 

This gave me more clarity on what I wanted, what was important to me and what my natural rhythms were, which allowed me to re pattern my life for what nourished me and filled me up.

I discovered that this path I was choosing to walk down was a journey, not a destination.  It didn’t have to be perfect or turn myself into who others or I thought I was suppose to be, but play with who I wanted to become and where I wanted to go next.

I continually choose to walk this path, because I know on the other side is more love, more clarity, more empowerment.  All you need to do is commit to the practice and take the journey one step at a time.


 Pleasure is created, not earned.  Make time for things that turn you on.

What makes me different

I believe curiosity is the key to building connections and getting closer to your authentic self.  Living from this space will allow you to get closer to what you want, what you desire and what will turn you on!.

I do this by sharing how to release tension from your body and connect to your inner experience so you can transform how your nervous system responds to stress, love and shame by using my unique process of breath, movement and energetic, which will allow you to unlock your unique expression.

This will show you how to move in new ways that will light you up and show you how to unapologetically create your life from a grounded lit up place.

Ready to dive in?

Sign up for a Body Awareness & Reviatilization Session with me to experience the transformation for yourself.

Academics &



  • 200-hr Yoga Teacher Training (CYT), Pura Vida Yoga – April 2017
  • Reiki level 1 & 2 Energetic Body Healing® in the Usui/Tibetan System if Natural Reiki Healing (CRP), Health and Healing Zone NCBTMB provider # 388145-00 – February 2018
  • Leadership Training, HeartCore Leadership – 2019
  • Prenatal Yoga certification (CPYT), Wild Abundant Life – February 2020


2000 – 2005
University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point, Stevens Point, WI, Bachelor of Science in Accounting

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